Friday Night Cake Club For 5/19/17
Decorating By catlharper Updated 23 May 2017 , 4:37am by GIGGLEBOX2014

Opening up another session of the FNCC! ALL levels of cakers are welcome to share their week, photos of their work, ask for help or provide help if they can! Hope to see lots of new creations this weekend!

@SandraSmiley Here they are currently. lol. Ignore the extra one in the far left corner.

They look wonderful, @GIGGLEBOX2014 ! I don't know why you don't like the silver, I like it a lot! Shoot, they don't even need hair!

Thanks lady! That's what I'm thinking also. Just leave them be. I'm afraid to do too much to them and then dislike them which was why I removed their hair and mouths the first time. lol

@GIGGLEBOX2014 they look great! My favorite is the top left guy.

They look fabulous! All that fretting for nothing! Next time it will be a piece of cake!

Very cute @GIGGLEBOX2014 . I like the blue and yellow swirled buttercream. Nice idea :-)

@GIGGLEBOX2014 awesome cupcakes. You did a great job.

@GIGGLEBOX2014 I love your cupcakes. I decided to try my hand at making gumpaste Peonies. They are not done yet. They need to dry some before adding the last row of petals.

Thanks ladies @SandraSmiley, @kstevens, and @Marian64! It amazes me how much of a critic we are on ourselves, but it never gets old seeing the excitement when they receive your work. I always feel as if I could have done better or "more", but everyone loves it anyways. After finishing these I was super excited how they looked! !

@Njewett , your peony is lovely! Don't forget to post when you get through!

Latest wedding cake I did, it had a chocolate, red velvet, carrot and vanilla layers with cream cheese icing between the layers a buttercream on the outside. the bottom layer was covered in fondant. first time making a David Austin garden rose.

It is beautiful @Bakerlady2 ! I am a huge fan of rustic buttercream when done well and yours is perfect!

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