Friday Night Cake Club For 3/10/17
Decorating By catlharper Updated 16 Mar 2017 , 12:55pm by -K8memphis

Opening up another session of the FNCC! ALL levels of cakers are welcome to share their week, photos of their work, ask for help if needed or provide help if they can!
Hope you guys had a great week!

Hi there,
One cake this week...chocolate with a buttercream and fresh raspberry filling covered by fresh chocolate fondant!

@catlharper I love the yellow-on-chocolate color and ruffles! looks scrumptious.
I posted the topper before, here it is on the cake. I made a whole bunch of samples for today's showcase, and the dummy from last week's FNCC, few cupcakes, but not much else.

This is a cake I worked in last night, I loved how it turned out!

@catlharper love yellow flowers on the chocolate. I bet with the raspberry filling it was delicious.
@LelekBolek such a pretty cake, love the topper.
@GIGGLEBOX2014 looks great.

Happy weekend everyone!
@catlharper your cake looks delicious!
@LelekBolek the flower border compliments the topper perfectly! I hope your showcase was a success!
@GIGGLEBOX2014 love your blues! How did you do the gradient?
I had one cake for today along with some cupcakes. The cake was for a coworkers dad's birthday. They spend a fair bit of time together in the summers on the water shark fishing so she requested a blue shark cake. I modeled the shark and his two pilot fish friends out of gumpaste. All the other details are fondant. I was very happy with how my buttercream waves turned out and with the cake as a whole. Hope you all like it too.
The cupcakes were for a get together with a couple of friends today. I recently started following The Scran Line on YouTube and that is where my inspiration came from for decorating the cupcakes. They are banana cupcakes with Nutella SMBC, dipped in chocolate sauce, rimmed with praline hazelnuts then topped with a Nutella SMBC swirl, a Ferrero Rocher, chocolate hazelnut Pirouline and small gold stars. A tad over the top but quite tasty!
Looking forward to seeing what everyone else has been up to :-)

@kstevens I used Wilton Royal Blue and created the different shades, and piped them on in rows. Then smoothed it with a hot bench scraper.

@kstevens those cupcakes are to die for! They look delicious!!!! And your shark looks a thousand times better than mine on my recent under the sea cake!!! You rock!

Hi group!
@catlharper the yellow of your flowers against the chocolate cake pops up very beautifuly, I love the frills! This might be a silly question.... but what is "fresh chocolate fondant"? Do you mean homemade chocolate fondant or is it something else? (English is not my native language, sometimes I misinterprete things!)
@LelekBolek that cake is absolutely amazing. I hope your showcase went well.
@GIGGLEBOX2014 you've made a sweet cake this week.
@kstevens beautiful cake. I love the water effect of the buttercream. Also, your cupcakes look so neat and perfect... well done!

Thank you @GIGGLEBOX2014 and @Laetia for your compliments :-)
Now I'm looking for some opinions/help. I have a cake to do this week that will be green ombre buttercream with the darkest shade at the bottom of the cake and the lightest shade at the top being a pale mint color. I am making roses in shades of pinks and purples but am struggling a bit with getting shades if each that work together. I'd like to have 4 different colors to go in the cake but fewer would be OK. I made my light pink ones first and really liked them until I made my other ones, now I'm not sure they work with the other colors. I'm also thinking my darkest purple is too dark? I have time to make more if anyone wants to chime in with suggestions.

I love the dark purple, but agree they don't blend well with the others you have. It stands out against the others. If that makes any sense? lol

The problem is the color wheel. You have blue reds mixed with orange reds. That's why they don't seem to work together. So your purples (light and dark) work well together because they are blue reds but your other flowers are orange reds which work well with each other but not with the blue reds. Thus they clash a bit.
Hope that helps!

Thank you both!
@catlharper that does make sense. I've never used the color wheel so I guess I'll have to some quick reading to see if I can figure it out! I saw a cake online that used similar colors is where I got the idea. I just haven't done a very good job of replicating the colors they used I think is why mine doesn't work. My pink is a bit too bright and my purple too dark. I'll play more tonight after work. This is the cake I am trying to replicate:

add brown to all your colors -- thin out the purple color -- take a blob of that purple and add it to some white -- then add brown

but your current flowers would work fine -- just arrange them with the darkest in the middle or at the highest point and work out from there

@-K8memphis thanks for chiming in. I made another shade of pink that I think works better than the lightest pink I initially had. Going to try another purple out tonight and will then place everything on a cake dummy before anything goes on the actual cake. I also made some shamrocks and silver "buds" plus a silver "81". The shamrocks are to represent a St Patrick's Day birthday. I went with silver because I was told the lady likes sparkly. Doh! I should have done gold for St Patrick's Day.....
Would you do filler flowers just in white? Maybe I'll whip up some of those tonight too. Better to have more than I need as opposed to not enough. Maybe a 4 leaf shamrock to be placed by the 81?

yellow, white or blue -- i always made more than i needed too -- good idea -- shamrocks are good -- be sure to use your editing eye as tim gunn would say -- if you shamrock the 81 put a few smaller ones in the flower spray --
y'know the silver buds might work as your filler flower too

Thanks @-K8memphis for your input.
I made a lighter shade of purple and made a couple roses with it & liked the way they looked. I also ended up making a bunch of shamrocks and then I redid the "81" and buds in gold. The gold looks so much better!
I played around with a cake dummy trying several different arrangements and in the end I used fewer flowers than I initially planned. I tried to use my "editing eye" but floral cakes are not exactly in my wheelhouse so you'll have to let me know if I was successful or
I was very happy with the end result and almost didn't want to part with it. I dropped it off this morning on my way to work and I got a big hug for it! She was very pleased with it and almost in tears. Later today it will make the trip to her mother's house (the birthday lady) and she is very excited for her to see it.
I'll post it in this weeks FNCC for you to check out.

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