Friday Night Cake Club For 1/27/17
Decorating By catlharper Updated 30 Jan 2017 , 3:56pm by LelekBolek

Opening up another session of the FNCC! ALL levels of cakers are welcome to share their week, photos of their work, ask for help if needed or provide help if they can.

Only one cake this week. A coworker, a bit of a flower child, had a birthday this month. It rained like heck the week of her birthday so we put it off a week...then my oven broke so we put it off till this week...and then she got sick! So she hasn't been into to work the past two days. I took these photos for her and then we did up a video singing to her while cutting the cake today so she would get to see. SIGH. [postimage id="6316" thumb="900"]

Hey everyone! I've been a bit quiet recently as I took on a new project which consumes a lot of my time. That cake looking great Cat! I wanna dip my finger in the petals and lick it LOL!
I did a little birthday cake for my son's friend a few days ago who is a huge star wars fan. "Death by chocolate" chcocolate cake with dark chocolate ganache and fondant decoration.
Right now I just finished a wedding cake which is on it's way to the venue as I type this...40km/2 hrs away, travelling over rough roads in 88F heat, lots of speed bumps and a ferry crossing with a 27 degree ramp 8\...anxiously waiting for any news.... It's a 4 tier offset square cake, top tier is a coconut cake with ginger nut biscuits and hazelnut creme (nutella) filling, 2nd is a white cake with seedless raspberry preserve and white chocolate ganache, 3rd is a vanilla cake with a champagne filling and bottom tier is a chocolate cake with Oreo cookie creme filling. They were iced in swiss meringue buttercream and covered in champagne/ ivory coloured rolled fondant with pearls boarders and draping. The star fish and shells are handmade from white gum paste (as well as the topper with the couple's initials that wollen be placed on at the venue). Two tiers were wrapped in white cake lace.

@julia1812 WOW! Both of those cakes are simply WONDERFUL! That white on white wedding cake is just amazing! SO clean! But the Star Wars is SO much fun! I bet both parties were SO happy and awed to see those cakes! (they sound YUMMY too!)

Hello everyone!
@catlharper I'm sorry to ear that after all the delay, your coworker could not even eat a piece of her own birthday cake!I hope she gets well soon. Good looking cake by the way.
@julia1812 'glad you're back! Both your cakes looks amazing, so clean! The wedding cake is absolutely fantastic. The lace is beautiful. I hope it did travels well and arrives in one piece!
I had one cake this week for my niece 8th birthday. She is the kind of kid who only eats chocolate cake. If it is not chocolate, don't even call this thing a cake... no fondant covered cake for her. If it is not brown, it is not chocolate. But of course, the cake have to be cute and girly. This year, she ask for a ballerina themed cake. Brown and ballerina.... she most definately wants me to go insane ;) This is what I came up with.

@me_me1 I must admit that I am not a huge fan of those skull cake, they kinda creap me out... But you've made a beautiful cake. Bottom tier is gorgeous. Love lace. Your friend is really lucky to have a friend like you!
@julia1812 thank you so much! But I do have to disagree with you and my niece; I hate chocolate cake... That might be the reason her request always drives me a little nut! ;)

@catlharper love the sunflower cake. What a shame that the birthday girl missed out on having some.
@julia1812 welcome back! Cute Star Wars cake and that wedding cake is stunning! Loving the white on white. I hope it survived the trip to the venue.
@Laetia such an adorable cake. The brown and pink look great together and the pink piped chocolate collar really adds to girlie feel.
@me_me1 I remember you mentioning you had this cake to do some time ago. You did a great job on it & too funny that your friend forgot that she requested it.
I had two cakes this week. A friend of a friend contacted me with a request for a Snoopy cake for her daughter. I didn't know Snoopy was still a thing especially for a 10 year old. I initially planned to sculpt Snoopy from modeling chocolate but ended up using gumpaste instead. His house is 6 layers of vanilla bean cake with vanilla bean icing & all covered in chocolate gancahe. I used panels of fondant to cover the cake. I have to say that this may be one of my new favorite cakes!
My second cake was a bit of a last minute request for a baby shower cake. All I had to go on was that it was for a girl and they had a preference for buttercream over fondant covered, everything else was left up to me including the flavor. I don't always like free reign as I worry my vision will not match that of the person getting the cake. I went with vanilla bean cake so that I could do ombre for the cake layers (little surprise inside). I kept the design simple and tried a new (to me) ruffle technique that I've been wanting to try. I had planned to do blossom ruffles but they were not turning out like I hoped, need more practice I guess, & so switched to making them from circles instead. Thankfully they loved what I came up with :-)
Pictures to follow since it never works for me to post text and photos at the same time.

Quick question for everyone, what product do you use to achieve a really nice pastel pink buttercream? I have pink Wilton gel paste but I find it looks more peach when only a small amount is added so I wasn't able to get the pastel pink I really wanted on the baby shower cake. Should I have maybe added some white to the buttercream? I'm in Canada so hopefully if you have suggestions it's something I can get here. Thanks in advance for your thougts.

@kstevens I realy like your Snoopy cake a lot! You capture the "comics" spirit and turn it into a cake. Well done. The baby cake is also adorable. I love the ruffle border. Might not be what you had in mind but it came out great. I did not colored buttercream very often so I think I no help on that one. May it be the yellow color of the butter that is interfering with the light pink?

@catlharper sorry your coworker missed out on the lovely sunflower cake.
@julia1812 that is a beautiful wedding cake. Hope it made there okay. Love the Star Wars cake too.
@Laetia that is the cutest ballerina and you made it work with that all chocolate cake. I prefer white cake over chocolate. I have a niece that loves chocolate on chocolate and it can be hard to to incorporate the design so I feel your pain.
@me_me1 good job on surprising your friend with the skull cake.
@kstevens as always your work is perfect. I love the snoopy cake. I have use the Wilton pink and and gotten a pale pink, I think it was either that or a little no-taste red. It has been a while so I am not completely sure.
I made cupcakes and did a two tone rose swirl. I didn't take a picture. They were for a ladies night out party. I put them in the back seat and one quick stop and they got messed up. The ladies still enjoyed them just not worth a picture.

Hi all. No "showpiece" for me this week. This January was busy with many things, other than creating.
Here is the only thing I can show - about 1.5 servings size bundts. Some are vanilla bean, some are chocolate (do not have good pic). Ganache-dipped, raspberry filling, vanilla sugar glaze and powder used for decorations. The powder is actually a gentle pink, I am terrible at picture taking, I guess.
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