In the words of @catlharper "Opening up another session of the FNCC! ALL levels of cakers are welcome to share their week, photos of their work, ask for help or provide help if they can!"
As Cat seems to be MIA I thought I'd get the ball rolling, albeit a day late. I didn't have any cakes this week but I made sugar cookies as a belated Christmas gift for a coworker. She took early Christmas holidays and I didn't have time to get them made before she left so she got them this week instead. She loves sharks so that is what I went with. I rushed them a tad so they didn't turn out ss good as I would have liked but she loved them and gave me a big hug :-)
Hope everyone had a great week and hope to see some cakes, cookies, whatever it was you were up to.

@kstevens thanks for starting fncc. The shark cookies look perfect. Your coworkers are very lucky. I don't have any fancy baking coming up. I do need to make a blackberry bundt cake this month and cupcakes at the end of the month.
@catlharper hope all is well with you.

Sorry guys! I actually forgot what day of the week it was! That's what I get for going on vacation! LOL! Thanks for picking up the slack @kstevens
LOVE the shark cookies!

@catlharper , I hear you! We just took a trip, and my overly-organized mom-brain went into a shock trying to figure out what day it is, and where is the routine?! It gets bad upon return as well, when trying to catch up with things. Have a good vacation thought!
@kstevens nice sharks!
My son's cake is going to be my entry this weekend. Good thing I had all the figurines made before leaving on a trip, since there is scarcely any time for me to do much now. I have to assemble it at the spot, but it isn't a multi-tier, a straight-up sheet cake, so that worked in my favor at least, for time. He asked for a "Civil War Re-enactment" theme. Go figure.
I will post later. Hopefully, I can get a decent photo at the location. Sometimes it is hard to shoo the kids from the cake table, to get a picture. His birthday was while we were on the trip, I gave him those mini cakes "pokemon balls" I posted earlier. They survived freezing and transportation, and made him very happy/

I had all my post typed and lost everything. Bummer...
No cake for me this week. I had a quick tought about doing myself my own birthday cake, but since I did'nt have a party planed and have eaten way to much sugar in the last few weeks, I've decided to skip the birthday cake this year.
@catlharper I'm happy to see that you're doing ok and that you've just lost track of time! I guess you're going back to work tomorow morning, as I am. Have a nice week!
@kstevens thanks for starting the tread. Your sharks cookies are spot on! My niece's and her ringette team (the Sharks) would have been thrilled to have a few of those this morning after they won the regional tournament!
@LelekBolek I cant wait to see a picture of your cake. Sounds like a lot of works and details went into it.

My hubby just asked me if I wanted to watch Sherlock or tape Sherlock and I had to stop for a second before I remembered that it is Sunday! LOL! The problem is that I had Sunday through Wednesday off for our vacation to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter and Disneyland and now I can't seem to get my week straight! Tomorrow should straighten me out. It's my "Friday" but everyone will be in the office at the museum again so it will feel "normal". The past few days have felt anything but.
@Laetia I know what you mean about the sugar. Everyone keeps bringing it to me at work and I keep stashing it in the kitchen so I won't see it!! LOL! I do have a cake this month but it's not till next week.

Love the shark cookies!
First day back at the day job today... boo hiss!! I had the past week off from both the day job and the cake job and it was blissful! Getting up early not to bake but to swim! Going out for leisurely breakfasts rather than shoving a cold piece of toast in my mouth in between getting cakes in the oven and setting my buttercream mixing (gloves removed and replaced straight after toast shoving, don't worry!!). It has been a gorgeous week! And I can't remember what cakes I've posted on here recently so will just pop my last few ones up.... a 'Friends' themed cake, a 'Star Wars' themed first bday cake and a wedding cake with native Australian flowers. I'm no florist but this is the third cake I've done where I had to wire the flowers myself and I don't think I did too bad a job...

I didn't do either of the cakes I had planned to do this week. My MIL's mother is staying with us and she always buys too much sweets and junk food. We're swimming in candy, cookies, ice cream...and then nobody eats any of it and so it just sits around...and I'm diabetic too! It's infuriating!! So I decided to not do any of it and just stay out of the kitchen all together for a while, which sucks because I have stuff I want to do!! D:<
Hubby and I are looking for another place to live; hopefully something will come through in the next couple weeks here. Then once we move out I can do his birthday cake.

@me_me1 The "Friends" cake is fantastic!! It is my favourite series! Everything looks fantastic and the details are amazing.

My photos didn't turn out good, but I was in a hurry, and kids were pushing. Oh well. Here is the Civil War - the trees and the candles are inedible, as well as the little flickering light inside the officer's tent. The rest is edible. My 8-yo son called it "Confederate, or Union flavor?" - it was chocolate side and vanilla side ))) Kids loved it anyway, and I made sure there were enough soldiers/cannons to go around
[postimage id="6223" thumb="900"]
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Thank you! At least 5 boys ran up to me and asked to make them this exact cake for their birthdays LOL. I told them it might get a bit boring, especially since most of them will be attending each other's birthdays )))

@me_me1 love all your cakes, especially the Star Wars.
@LelekBolek that is a great cake. I love the cannon/candles especially lit. I can see why the boys all want one.

My little niece has been telling us for months what sort of birthday party she wants, who is to be invited, what games are going to be played and has changed her mind about 50 times on what she wants for her birthday cake - every time she sees me it's something different! She's only going to be 4 years old! Haha, love her! I have a feeling she's going to settle on a Frozen castle cake with a little fondant Elsa and Anna though. Although her party is not for another 3 or 4 weeks so who knows!

That's cute )))
I think my own kids have seen me fret over late changes attempts, and explaining why I need over 3 weeks of final design agreements (I keep my language clean around them, but they sense the struggle :-)), to know when there is "no backsies" anymore.
My girl turns 5 in April. She put in an order for castle cake about two months ago ))).
I am not planning a big party, so the challenge here is to work in a Grand design into a small cake. Her big surprize will be that i will be taking her and my son to Disney (coinsides with his spring break), so i am keeping the party expense low, while thinking Cindy's castle as a part of surprize reveal.
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