Peggy Porschen Gingerbread Recipe?
Baking By SweetDreamsAT Updated 9 Dec 2008 , 1:22pm by JenWhitlock

I know I saw it at one point, but I can't find it now. Does anyone know if its here on CC? I like the Martha Stewart recipe a lot, but I'm always up for trying something new!

Found it posted by firehorse (thanks firehorse!!) in another thread... I KNEW it was here somewhere! Here it is again in case anyone is interested and doesn't have time to look back in other posts... I'm definitely going to try this one - the orange juice sounds so yummy!
Makes about 30 cookies
1 3/4 sticks butter, diced
1 teaspoon baking soda
3 2/3 cups all-purpose flour
for the Hot Mix:
3/4 c packed dark brown sugar
6 T honey
2 T orange juice
2 T ground cinnamon
2 T ground giner
1 t allspice
seeds from 1 vanilla bean
pinch of salt
1. Place all the ingredients for the hot mix in a deep heavy-bottom saucepan and bring to a boi, stirring from time to time
2. Remove the pan from the heat and, using a wooden spoon, carefully stir in the butter
3. Once well combined, add the baking soda and whisk the mixture through briefly
4. Pour into the bowl of a Kitchen Aid and leave to cool until it is just slightly warm
5. Sift the flour over the mixtrue and combine on low speed, using the paddle until a dough forms
6. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and chill for a couple of hours or overnight
7. Place the dough on a floured clean surface and knead it briefly. Then roll it between two 1/4 inch guide sticks to an even thickness
8. Use cookie cutters to cut out shapes and, using a spatula, lay these on a cookie sheet lined with parchment or waxed paper.
9. Chill again for about 30 minutes. Preheat the over to 400F
10. Bake the cookies for 10 minutes until just firm to the touch.
11. Lift the cookies off the tray and leave to cool on a wire rack. Wrapped in foil or plastic wrap, these will keep well in a cook dry placle for up to a month. (The basic sugar cookies will also keep this way).

Tried these yesterday, and they are DELICIOUS! I did add one tsp of orange zest (since the orange juice was sounding so yummy to me, but when I went to add it, I realized that 2 Tblsp wasn't going to add any orange flavor.) I'll definitely be making these on a regular basis this season. They are light and citrus-y (with the added orange peel) vs the other recipe I love which is dark and spicy.
I think they would look great on a plate together. Mmmm, I think I'll go have one for breakfast with my coffee

Thanks SweetDreamsAT! You know I value your opinion! I just had someone request gingerbread cookies, but I needed a new recipe. Thanks! I will also try the MS one as it would be nice to have both kinds to munch on. Holiday cookie production starts tomorrow so this is just in time! Thanks again!

Hi Tracy,
hee hee, nice to be having this private little conversation with you
My rolling guides are slightly less than 1/4", so all of my cookies get rolled that size regardless of what's specified in a recipe. The Peggy Porschen recipe doesn't spread at all, and seem to make a pretty sturdy cookie. I tend to go for a softer cookie, so I just bake things slightly less. I also cut my shapes out of 1/2 frozen rolled out sheets of dough and then bake them right away, or refreeze them before baking. It helps a bit with spreading, but I've never had a real problem with the recipes I use, and the PP recipe doesn't have eggs, so they don't puff or spread much at all.

Good morning! Oh, look at that - no eggs! I hadn't delved into the recipe that far yet!
Thanks for your input! I am glad to hear it doesn't spread. I am working on sketches right now and I think we will be swimming in gingerbread men!
Have a great day!

I LOVE gingerbread and I can't wait to try these!!!
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