Cake Decorator cupcakegirl93

cymone joseph

Cymone's Delectable Desserts for myself

Charlotte US


cupcakegirl93's Cake Photos view more

  • Doc Mcstuffins Cake french vanilla cake with white chocolate mousse, 2 tier cake.. This was for a baby girls 2nd birthday..
  • Hennesey And Marijuanna Cake double chocolate cake with dark chocolate mousse filling....
  • Chocolate And Vanilla Marble Annivesary Cake This was a very special cake to make..... Chocolate and vanilla marble cake with a vanilla creme filling, dusted in gold and drizzled with...
  • Reese's Peanut Butter & Chocolate Cake My Co-worker had wanted a cake for his birthday and wanted it to incoporate peanut butter and chocolate.. So this is what i came up with...

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