How to Make Angry Bird Letter on Cake


This is the simple way how to get angry bird letter on your cake This is my way but I hope it help   How to make a bird-themed angry letters from fondant . just sharing . not a way that should be the benchmark this way I get the letters do the same with angry bird . could also be without pattern so directly on the cut it using precision knife that's what I did when it's no enough time hehehe so not need to printted the angry bird letters If there's any other way you can use it . definitely many ways like the proverbial many roads lead to Rome hehehhe  

List of Materials

  • precision knife
  • paper
  • angry bird font
  • fondant
  • scissors
  • knife

Install the angry bird font (you can free downloadedusing google search engine you can find angry bird font)
Print the letter with the size you need
Cut the letter using a pattern
4. rolled fondant with the 3mm thin or with the thickness of which it is desired. it's OK if you can't cut it with detailsput the letter
5. Put cutouts angry bird letters over rolled fondant.. and cut it by using precision knife according to the pattern. Sorry my English not so well bu I hope my picture can tell the details well