Simple Citrus Slice Cookies

These zesty sugar cookies can easily decorated with royal icing. They’re fun and easy to make!

List of Materials

  • NFSC – No Fail Sugar Cookie Recipe (add citrus juice & zest of your choice)
  • Royal Icing (Antonia 74′s Recipe)
  • Round Cookie Cutters (size your choice)
  • Piping Bags
  • Couplers
  • Piping Tips (#3)
  • Yellow, Orange & Green Gel Coloring (colors your choice)
  • Toothpick


- Outlining – Using a #3 piping tip, outline your cookie with royal icing. I like using a larger piping tip to outline and fill in larger areas, as the ‘flooding’ goes faster.


– Flooding – Fill in the center of your cookie with the same piping bag and icing, either right away to help the icing melt into each other, or 10 minutes later if you’d like to see a distinct outline. I use the same icing to outline and fill in, as it saves time.


- Shaking – Shake gently to help smooth icing over. A couple of tips – You need to be gentle with the cookie while you’re shaking it, so that it doesn’t break, and working quickly is important so that the base doesn’t start to dry.


– Wet on Wet Technique; The 2nd Layer – Using a #6 piping tip and white icing, pipe a circle close to the perimeter of your cookie and a dot in the center. (You can use a smaller piping tip here, it’s personal preference. I liked the look of a thicker white line).


- Marbling – Drag a toothpick through the wet icing, starting from the outside and working your way to the center of the cookie. If you’re particular about every line being perfectly white, with no little dabs of color, wipe your toothpick between each drag. Working quickly is important as the royal icing starts to set almost immediately.


- Shaking – Shake gently to help smooth icing over.


– Drying – Let your icing dry for 12-24 hours, depending on the humidity in your area. Package in cellophane bags or serve and enjoy!
