Whipped Chocolate Ganache II

This ganache recipe consists of 2 ingredients, heavy cream and semisweet chocolate. The ratio is 2 to 1 with the cream being twice the amount of the chocolate, by weight. Therefore it is easy to make more or less so long as the ratio is 2 to 1.

Whipped Chocolate Ganache II


  • 1 lb semisweet chocolate, finely chopped ( I pulse mine in my blender )
  • 4 cups ( this is 2 lbs ) heavy cream


  1. Place chocolate in a large bowl.
  2. Heat cream in saucepan to a low boil, then pour over the chocolate. Stir the mixture until the chocolate is melted and well blended. This may take awhile. Once all the chocolate has melted cover with syran wrap, pressing the wrap onto the ganache’s surface so a skin won’t form. Refridgerate at least 6 hours.
  3. Once chilled beat the ganache on medium-high until the mixture starts to thicken, just until soft peaks form ( you will end up with a chocolate whipped cream ). Don’t over beat or the ganache will have a grainy texture.
  4. Use the ganache immediately as it firms up quickly. Have your cakes etc ready and prepared ahead of time.

    Oh, dear. Not this again!