Royal Icing Letters

This is a little trick I use to make words to put on my cakes. It has a much more professional look than my chicken scratch writing.

Royal Icing Letters


  • 4 cups powdered sugar
  • 3 tablespoons meringue powder
  • 5 – 7 tablespoons warm water
  • icing color (optional)


  1. First be sure all bowls and utensils are grease free. Any grease will prevent this icing from drying properly.
  2. Combine ingredients in stand mixer slowly adding the water to get a consistancy good for piping. It should be somewhat thin but not so it’s running out of the bag through the tip.
  3. Using a computer, type the words you want to put on your cake, selecting a font that will complement your project. It is best to use a bold font as thinner letters will break easily. When you have the words as you want them to appear on your cake, print them out. Take the sheet of paper you just printed and tape it to a cake board. Next tape waxed paper over it. Using a tip 2 or 3, pipe the royal icing onto the waxed paper tracing over the shape of the words. Use a damp artist brush to smooth out any points or bumps. For a layered look you can over pipe your letters with a thinner tip of a different color. Allow the letters to dry for about 48 hours then carefully peel the letters off the waxed paper and place them on your cake.
  4. Hint: Before removing dried letters from waxed paper you can paint them with luster dust.
  5. This icing can “crust” quickly, be sure to keep bowl covered.