Good ‘ol Aussie mudcake – this recipe has been used for years – WELL over 15! It is a moist, dense cake that has great shelf life and is PERFECT for carving. Torted and ganached under fondant … mmmm mmmm


20cm round – Double quantity does 24cm round 2-1/2 inch deep

250g unsalted butter
200g dark chocolate
1 tablespoon instant coffee
1-1/3 cups warm water
1-1/2 cups self raising flour
1 cup caster sugar
1/4 cup cocoa
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla


1. Grease and line base and sides of cake pan with one thickness of baking paper, bringing paper 5cm above side of pan.
2. Combine chopped butter, chopped chocolate, coffee, and water in a saucepan. Stir over low heat until chocolate is melted. Cool 15 minutes. Transfer mixture to bowl of mixer.
3. Add caster sugar to mixture and beat well until dissolved. Add sifted flour and cocoa, lightly beaten eggs and vanilla.
4. Pour mixture into prepared pan.
5. Bake at 150′C for 1 to 1-1/2 hours. Test with skewer. Cool cake in pan.

CROSS CONTINTENT NOTES …. rest of the world uses Metric! LOL
here’s your converter
In Australia we use DRY cup measures as well as LIQUID cup measures – see end of converter for the DRY equivalents.
Caster sugar is a fine grained normal white sugar, Cocoa = cocoa powder (Dutch is best), Self-Raising flour = 1 cup all purpose flour + 2teaspoons of baking powder (Will add to this as the questions come flying in)