The Best Royal Icing

This icing can be used for easy piping, to make run outs or collars slowly add drops of water until desired consistency is reached.

4 floz water
3 rounded tablespoons meringue powder
1 1/4 LB confectioners sugar
Preparation Steps:
Mix the meringue powder into the water and let stand for 1/2 hour to allow it to dissolve. Remix and strain to prevent lumps.
Using a stand mixer, slowly adding the confectioners sugar one spoonful at a time to the meringue water mixure, until full peak is reached. A full peak is when the icing will stand up into a peak without tipping over.
Important note:
Once full peak has been reached mix slowly for 10 minutes it is light and easy to pipe.
This icing can be used for easy piping, to make run outs or collars slowly add drops of water until desired consistency is reached.