"mini-Cupcake Bouquet

"mini-Cupcake Bouquet on Cake Central

"Mini-Cupcake Bouquet"...The roses were piped right on the mini-cupcake...I used large skewer sticks...each skewer stick is covered with green floral tape with a silk leaf attached. I started wrapping my floral tape about an inch down from the top point of the skewer stick.

Comments (5)


these are so beautiful.. love the way only the very tip of the petals have a line of red... could i ask what tip you used to make them, and how you managed to get that colour effect?


Serenelui, I striped the decorating bag with food coloring paste using a paint bush then adding the white icing in the bag...used #104 Rose tip....make sure you line up the stripe with the small end of the rose tip....hope this helps.