
Practice cookies.. not too bad for a first try.. I love doing cookies now!

Comments (36)


love the designs. i think i will use your idea for some cookies i have to bake next week for some middle school kids. they wil llove the spider web look!


these were actually store bought cookie dough sheets.. I just really wanted to practice with the icing.... I usually use the no-fail cookie recipe


These are wonderful! I have to do some cookies this week for my daughter's class. Are they easy? I hope you don't mind, but I may steal your idea for the spiderwebs and pumpkins! They are wonderful!


These are wonderful! I have to do some cookies this week for my daughter's class. Are they easy? I hope you don't mind, but I may steal your idea for the spiderwebs and pumpkins! They are wonderful!


love the designs. i think i will use your idea for some cookies i have to bake next week for some middle school kids. they wil llove the spider web look!


these were actually store bought cookie dough sheets.. I just really wanted to practice with the icing.... I usually use the no-fail cookie recipe