Seashell Wedding Cake

Seashell Wedding Cake on Cake Central

My first wedding cake! White butter cake with fresh lime curd and raspberry fillings. Covered in fondant with chocolate shells. Layers are 14-12-8-6. Thanks to everyone on CC who inspired me with their seashell cakes and also to those who were kind enough to answer my questions!

Comments (37)


Thanks everyone! To answer questions, the shells are made from white chocolate and painted with luster dust. For this cake, I used Satin Ice fondant and I liked it so much I may never go back to homemade! Thanks!


Very beautiful, I can't believe that is your very first wedding cake, and you must be walking on air after the grooms phone call! :)


This is an unbelievably gorgeous cake! My sister is a big beach fan. She would die if I could do something remotely like this for her.


No Bleep-Bleep-Bleepin way this is your first Bleepin Wedding cake! lol...Seriously, this is awesome!!! Very, very well done!


Amazing....Looks fantastic, hard to believe it's your first wedding cake. What recipe for fondant do you use?


Gorgeous!! I'm in the process of doing a seashell cake and I hope it comes out just as nice as yours