Jack Skellington Birthday

Comments (18)


I used a 12 inch round and cut out the oval. And a small rectangle pan for the neck and tie. I drew a stencil cut it out and placed it on the rectangle and then cut out it's shape while frozen


Love it. My son is turning 7 and would love this cake so I am going to try too. So just one rectangle cake for the neck and tie. Wear did u get the stencil?


Thanks, I created the stencil from a piece of paper the same size of the cake by looking at a picture and copying it.


Thanks, I created the stencil from a piece of paper the same size of the cake by looking at a picture and copying it.


Love it. My son is turning 7 and would love this cake so I am going to try too. So just one rectangle cake for the neck and tie. Wear did u get the stencil?


I used a 12 inch round and cut out the oval. And a small rectangle pan for the neck and tie. I drew a stencil cut it out and placed it on the rectangle and then cut out it's shape while frozen