Standing Horse Cake

This is my horse I've entered in a local competition, in novice class - as it's my first year. It took a good 5 days to do, as I was trying to figure everything out as I went. The legs & under tummy is a stainless steel frame and the body, neck & head is cake. I modelled him on a famous racehorse, but he's maybe a little chubby to be built for speed - I used photos of the real horse and bought a horse magazine for reference. He's about 10.5 inches long from front to rear legs. First go at airbrushing, which is more scary than what I thought.

Comments (2)


Would  love for you to email me at [email protected]  I would love to talk to you about the fram you used. I live in Tennessee  and I am legally blind. I  would like to make this horse cake you show here but I will be using my photo of my horse, which is a Blake Tennessee walker horse. I hope you find time to write me. Would love to exchange  ideals. Thank you so much for taking the time to read. Truly Lisa