Best Lemon Cake Recipes

Lemon Fluff Cake
A light white cake with subtle lemon flavor.

Pucker-Up Lemon Cake
Intensely lemon flavored and tart, this cake if for the lemon lover.

Greek Lemon Cake
Lovely cake with a tang from Greek yogurt.


Comments (6)


Am I an idiot or does this page offer a lemon cake with lemon curd filling but you can't get to the recipe?????


Sorry this is confusing, the recipes are the link recipe names, this is the photo caption:

"Lemon cake By coleslawcat Lemon cake with lemon curd filling and vanilla buttercream."

This post links to 3 recipes:

Lemon Fluff Cake ( A light white cake with subtle lemon flavor.

Pucker-Up Lemon Cake ( Intensely lemon flavored and tart, this cake if for the lemon lover.

Greek Lemon Cake ( Lovely cake with a tang from Greek yogurt.


So if you want the recipe to the "lemon cake with lemon curd filling and vanilla buttercream," whose title does NOT link to a recipe, you are just out of luck?  Is the lemon cake described in the photo one of the three recipes that are linked to titles? If so, which title provides the link?